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An imaginative belief system formed by traditional Chinese religious philosophy combined with people's associations with the characteristics of the animals in the Chinese zodiac


In ancient China, people attached great importance to the naming of their children. When parents name their children they usually give them some meaning, such as peace or wealth.


When naming a newborn, it’s necessary to identify potential elemental weaknesses or defects present in his Chinese astrological birth chart, and then choose a name based on his energy charter.




animal year

The Animal Year refers to the year in which the lunar year falls once every 12 years. And it is considered inauspicious.

It is a tradition throughout China to carry something red with people in Animal Year to ward off evil spirits.


On New Year's Eve, people who are in Animal Year are expected to change into red clothes, wear red bracelets and tie red belts.


Like astrology matching, Chinese people use Chinese zodiac compatibility for marriage or romantic relationships. In ancient China, the Earth Branches were matched to the Five Elements: Wood for the Tiger and Rabbit; Fire for the Horse and Snake; Water for the Rat and Pig; Gold for the Monkey and Rooster; Earth for the Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog, and the resulting combinations influenced the choice of marriage and even the destiny of men and women. 




2022 is the Year of the Tiger, according to the marriage culture of the 12 zodiac signs, a Tiger is most compatible with a Horse, Dog and Pig, and least compatible with an Ox, Snake, Sheep and Monkey.




Ancient Chinese believed that the year of the Chinese zodiac reflected the agricultural year. In general, it is believed that the years of the Chinese zodiac have good rainfall and are favourable to crops.


The years of the Dragon and Monkey have little rainfall and severe drought; the years of the Ox and Horse have a lot of rainfall and are prone to flooding; the years of the Dog and Snake have moderate rainfall; and the years of the Rooster, Pig and Rat have poor weather conditions.


[1] 2021. Chinese zodiac - Wikipedia. [online] Available at: <,_Tibet_Wellcome_L0035125.jpg> [Accessed 19 December 2021].

[2] horoscopes, C. and Chinese zodiac compatibility: Chart, L., 2021. Chinese zodiac compatibility: Chart, Love calculator. [online] KarmaWeather. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2021].

[3] [4] Adhikari, S., 2021. Top 10 Traditional Ancient Chinese Foods - Ancient History Lists. [online] Ancient History Lists. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2021].

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