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Influence and Significance of Chinese Zodiac Cultures


Traditional Perspective

(1)Ideological Enlightenment

zodiac is a important symbol of Chinese astronomy and it was hugely influenced by ancient Chinese philosophy. Traditional culture of the Chinese zodiac is a form of expression of ideas by ancient Chinese philosophers and thinkers through animals, but also an indispensable steps in the development of Chinese ideology.

(2) Ecological Consciousness

Chinese people integrates animals into its traditional culture, which emphasizes the role of animals in people's lives and embodies the ecological concept of environmental protection. This confirms the importance of maintaining a balance between man and ecology through the way of the twelve zodiac signs in ancient China

(3) Traditional Morality

Chinese fables, idioms and literature indicate traditional values by personifying animals to reflect human moral character, which has huge education meaningful. It as proverbs and stories to spread among the people to spread excellent Chinese virtues and spirits

(4) Sense of Unity

Zodiac culture are one of the most universal and widespread tradition in China, which is conducive to strengthening cultural exchanges and cohesion among all difference nation in China. It can be seen that the zodiac culture is also a very important traditional festival among different Chinese nations, 

Modern Perspective

Changes of The Times did not make any cultural decay, and zodiac still serves as the leading role of the Chinese New Year, the contrast of ancient reinforced instead, this is to through the zodiac culture to remind people don't forget the traditional festivals and to remember the festival brings a lot of best wishes and customs.

The Twelve Zodiac culture as a symbol of Chinese traditional culture can be attention from the world be an important factor in attracting foreign people to understand Chinese culture and strengthening friendly  Relationships. Due to the long history of Chinese zodiac culture, this tradition involves the historical development and ideological changes of ancient China, which are enough to attract foreign scholars to study.

The Twelve Zodiac culture as a symbol of Chinese traditional culture can be attention from the world be an important factor in attracting foreign people to understand Chinese culture and strengthening friendly  Relationships. Due to the long history of Chinese zodiac culture, this tradition involves the historical development and ideological changes of ancient China, which are enough to attract foreign scholars to study.


Worldwide Perspective

Chinese zodiac as the symbol of Chinese traditional culture, which is attracting more and more attention from the world. It can lead foreign people to understand Chinese culture and strengthening friendly relationships. 

In the future, the Chinese zodiac will become a representative of Chinese traditions shining around the world, and at the same time, it will continue to be a symbol of Chinese culture and the spirit of the Chinese people.

The Chinese zodiac is not only the greatest help in promoting traditional Chinese society, but it is also one of the most precious legacies of world culture. This culture has not only made a great contribution to the Chinese cultural system, but has also made an indelible contribution to the cultural diversity of the world


[1] 2021. Chinese Zodiac: 12 Zodiac Signs, Horoscope, Compatibility. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 December 2021].

[2] Fawal, J., 2021. The surprising influence of the Chinese zodiac. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 December 2021].

[3] 2021. Chinese Zodiac: 12 Zodiac Signs, Horoscope, Compatibility. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 December 2021].

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